The festival of Diwali 2023 was celebrated with much enthusiasm and joy across the country on Sunday, November 12. However, a few fire incidents were reported due to the bursting of firecrackers. Now, a video of rash driving on Deepavali has come to light. The 51-second video clip shows a few people, including children, bursting firecrackers on a road when the man arrives with his car and starts driving recklessly. As the video moves further, the car driver is seen attempting to hit a boy who runs to save himself. The video also shows the car driver trying to disrupt the Diwali celebrations as he continues to drive the car in and around the road before hitting a person and fleeing from the spot. Diwali 2023: Firecracker Waste Seen at Various Places in Delhi Post Deepavali Celebrations, Air Quality Remains ‘Poor’ Across National Capital (Watch Videos).
Kalesh Between Group of Boys and Car Driver
Kalesh b/w Group of Boys with Patakha and a guy with Car during Diwali celebration on Road
— Ghar Ke Kalesh (@gharkekalesh) November 12, 2023
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