A video showing PM Narendra Modi’s doppelganger selling chaat in Gujarat is going viral on social media. The video was shared by a flood blogger called Karan Thakkar on Instagram. In his post, Thakkar said, “Modiji’s Look-a-like selling Pani Puri, is it?” Surprisingly, the video opens with the chaat seller introducing himself as Anil Bhai Khattar. The video shows Khattar saying that PM Modi is chaiwala and he is “paani puri wala”. Notably, the man can be seen having similar resemblance to PM Modi as he dons a Nehru jacket and even sports white hair and a trimmed beard. Don’t believe us, have a look. PM Narendra Modi’s 3D Doppelganger Does Yoga: Read The Health Benefits of Trikonasana.
Watch PM Narendra Modi’s Doppelganger Selling Chaat
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