Tag: doctors

  • According to doctors, the risk of gestational diabetes can be reduced by early screening and proper care.

    According to doctors, the risk of gestational diabetes can be reduced by early screening and proper care.

    Gestational diabetes puts women at greater risk for developing diabetes later in life. Doctors said it was important for early screening, counseling, proper diet and behavior modification and postpartum follow-up.

    National Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Day is being observed on March 10, with doctors acknowledging that awareness on GDM has led to a marked improvement over the years, pointing to the need for preliminary investigations.

    V., a former professor of diabetes at Madras Medical College and the founding mentor of diabetes at the Pregnancy Study Group India. Seshaiah said that awareness of GDM was definitely better as obstetric and gynecologists were concerned about it.

    “My concept is that we should examine all pregnant women. We recommend screening in the first trimester, around six to seven weeks of pregnancy. If we diagnose GDM in the first trimester, we can take care of both mother and child, ”he said.

    She said that GDM puts women at risk for the development of diabetes in the future. “Within 10 years, 50% of them can develop diabetes. Children born to them can develop diabetes and obesity. In my experience, in 90% of women developing GDM, the levels can be controlled with medical and nutritional therapy, ”she said.

    Usha Shriram, Head of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Voluntary Health Services, said that care before and after pregnancy was important when it came to GDM.

    “The fact is that we now screen for GDM early in pregnancy. Women may have abnormal glucose in pregnancy. It is gradually becoming a standard of care and women are being shown earlier in prenatal screening. Women planning pregnancy or getting pregnant should be aware of GDM. This is where a lot of work has to be done, especially among the youth.

    At the present time, pre-diabetes, overweight, family history of diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome and sedentary lifestyles may put women at risk of GDM. “For this reason it is advisable to check the blood sugar level,” Dr. Shriram said. She stated that once diagnosed with GDM, women should remain healthy and within the recommended weight gain limits during pregnancy. “After pregnancy ends, follow-up is important. Breastfeeding has shown to reduce the risk of diabetes, ”she said. Prevention is important, he said, for all young women who plan a six-month to one-year pregnancy should be healthy, take folic acid and be active.

    Anand Musa, former director, Institute of Diabetesology, Madras Medical College, said that the prevalence of GDM was increasing. “It varies from 10% to 15% in pregnant women. This is why we recommend universal screening for pregnant women, because in many cases, GDM can be managed with dietary control. They need to split the food and avoid simple sugars, ”he said.

    There was a reduction in follow-up post delivery, he said, “Lifestyle management is very important and hence there are annual check-ups after delivery.

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  • Prevents fractures in young old age by building bones, doctors say

    Prevents fractures in young old age by building bones, doctors say

    Participants in a webinar on bone health stated that while men and women attained their peak bone mass around the age of 30, women tended to lose their bone mass faster.

    Doctors say that women and men should build their bones before the age of 30 so that they can benefit as they get older.

    Before International Women’s Day on 8 March, Hindu A webinar on bone health was recently organized as part of a wellness series with Kaveri Hospital.

    The participants included the co-founder and chief orthopedic surgeon of Kaveri Hospital, S.W. Chokalingam, consultant trauma and orthopedic surgeon in the Tiruchi branch of the hospital, and participants including Diabetes, Endocrinology and Head of Women’s Health Department Usha Shriram. Voluntary health services in Taramani reiterated that women should include adequate exercise.

    While men and women attain their peak bone mass around the age of 30, women lose their bone mass rapidly.

    “Bone is a dynamic organ that is alive and contains cells,” she explained.

    Dr. Chockalgam connected the body to a building and bones to a steel structure, on which brick and mortar are built.

    “Bone is a vibrant structure, which is why it hurts when a bone is broken, muscles ache and joints become weak,” he explained. He said that both obesity and underweight can adversely affect bone health.

    Dr. Arvindan said that menopausal women in his hospital are advised to regularly check bone health and bone density. “We recommend dietary changes and regular exposure to sunlight. Women should not ignore regular weight gain exercises.

    Women over 65 years of age with broken bones have more challenges to manage because their bones are fragile and do not have the ability to hold the bones.

    Participants wanted to know if they could take collagen as an over-the-counter (OTC) medication and whether sunscreen would help.

    Doctors said that OTC was not advised. Dr. Usha said that sunscreen was prescribed by dermatologists for a specific condition. But using them can prevent the absorption of vitamin D by the body, she warned.

    Dr. Chokalingam said that women should continue exercising after childbirth, whether it is normal or a caesarean section. He said that injections given during delivery cannot be blamed for back pain.

    The body needed only 1 gram to 1.2 grams of calcium. Exposure to sunlight helped the body to consume calcium through food sources.

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