Poco India has officially launched the Poco C31 smartphone in the country. The handset has been introduced as an upgrade to the Poco C3 which was launched last year. Poco C31 is priced at Rs 8,499 for the 3GB + 32GB whereas the 4GB + 64GB costs Rs 9,499. The smartphone will go on sale on October 2, 2021, during the Flipkart Big Billion Days sale and will be offered at a discount price of Rs 7,999 and Rs 8,999 respectively. Launch offers include a 10 percent instant discount via Axis and ICICI Bank credit and debit cards. Poco C31 India Launch Today; Watch Live Stream Here, Expected Prices & Specifications.
Poco C31 will be offered in Shadow Grey and Royal Blue colours. The smartphone comes packed with a 5,000mAh battery and is claimed to offer 540 hours of standby time, 91 hours of music on speakers and 31 hours of video playback time. It gets a 6.53 HD+ display.
Poco C31 Smartphone (Photo Credits: Poco)
280 characters to talk about the Strong, Secure and Fast #POCOC31? Challenge accepted.
13MP Triple cameras
Fingerprint sensor
Helio G35 Processor
6.53″ HD+ Display
Up to 4GB RAM
5000mAh battery
POCO Clean UI experience, No Ads#LifeTested #MadeofMad #POCOIndia https://t.co/oUUXishq0Q
— POCO India (@IndiaPOCO) September 30, 2021
The handset comes powered by Media Helio G35 SoC coupled with up to 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage, expandable up to 512GB. For photography, Poco C31 comes with a triple rear camera setup comprising a 13MP main camera, a 2MP macro lens and a 2MP depth shooter.
Poco C31 India Launch (Photo Credits: Flipkart)
At the front, there is a 5MP snapper for selfies and video calls. The device comes with P2i nanocoating, rubberised seals, rust-proof ports, secured fingerprint sensor and face unlock.
(The above story first appeared on Morning Tidings on Sep 30, 2021 12:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website morningtidings.com).