A student from Alpine Public School Loomb Baghpat, in Uttar Pradesh, was dreadfully thrashed up by a teacher for throwing currency notes on another student who was performing a dance on stage. The video of the whole incident was uploaded online and soon went viral on the internet. In the clip, a boy wearing a school uniform can be seen dancing at a gathering during a function. Reportedly, the flippant act by other students did not go well with the apparent Physical Education teacher, who was seen holding a long stick in his hand. The Twitter post has received mixed responses from netizens. Rajasthan Shocker: Teacher Beats Kindergarten Student, Throws Him Into Water Tank for Not Covering Books.
Watch The Viral Video:
हद है क़सम से.. pic.twitter.com/IfYNbGDZWn
— Shubhankar Mishra (@shubhankrmishra) November 3, 2022
What’s Your Say On This?
Not sure what is the school celebrating. But this boy being trashed in front of the school is wrong . Though what he did is wrong 😑. No one seems to stop the male teacher . The boy on the stage is brave to continue .
— Priyangka Mahanta (@priyangkam) November 3, 2022
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That male teacher was right in every way. That student was trying to demean the other student in front of the whole school and that could have hurt the guy’s confidence.
— Sushil Shah (@sushilshah50761) November 3, 2022
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