Akshay Kumar and his Samrat Prithviraj director Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi had an interview with ANI editor Smita Prakash to promote their upcoming film that is scheduled to release on June 3. In the interview, Akshay made a couple of contentious statements. Like he said that the history textbooks taught in our schools were only about ‘invaders’ with only 2-3 lines about the ‘Indian Kings’. Akshay Kumar Urges for Inclusion of More Information on Indian Kings and Culture in History Textbooks.
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#WATCH | Unfortunately, our history textbooks only have 2-3 lines about Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan, but a lot has been mentioned about the invaders. There is hardly anything mentioned about our culture and our Maharajas: Actor Akshay Kumar to ANI pic.twitter.com/qnKacpylLv
— ANI (@ANI) June 1, 2022
While his ‘fans’ and RW users came out in support of his statements, others pointed out that schools did teach us in History about Cholas, Rajputs, Chauhans, Mauryas, Marathas, Guptas and other Hindu empires, while also saying that Mughals aren’t invaders, but are rather settlers.
An Entire Chapter in Class 7 NCERT History Textbook
WRONG. There is a entire chapter on Prithviraj Chauhan in class 7th NCERT history textbook.
Looks like Canadian Kumar was sleeping in school during his history class. https://t.co/13s1GoG8tA
— Advaid അദ്വൈത് (@Advaidism) June 1, 2022
All Prominent Indian Kings
Hello @akshaykumar, Not sure if you are talking about India or your home country Canada. In Indian schools they’ve been teaching about all Prominent Indian Kings. pic.twitter.com/1DrfMcvW2C
— Mohammed Zubair (@zoo_bear) June 1, 2022
The same @akshaykumar who shamelessly laughs while admitting on National Tv he failed in 3 diff classes in school(the sad part is that he has no regrets abt it) is now making false statements abt Indian school syllabus.#AkshayKumar-the ultimate HYPOCRITE! pic.twitter.com/pb4GmPqzLV https://t.co/FIgtfRtMfU
— Vinay Kumar Dokania (@VinayDokania) June 1, 2022
3-4 Chapters on Rajput
By our does he mean Canada? Because I remember in Class 7 we had not one but 3-4 chapters on Rajputs https://t.co/fyXqPV4N6A
— Agnivo Niyogi (অগ্নিভ নিয়োগী) (@Aagan86) June 1, 2022
A Lesson in Hindi
चार बांस चौबीस गज अंगुल अष्ट प्रमाण
ता ऊपर सुल्तान है मत चूके चौहान!
चंद्रबरदाई की ये हर स्कूल में इतिहास की किताब में पढ़ाया गया है।
चंद्रगुप्त से लेकर राणा प्रताप और पृथ्वीराज चौहान सब कुछ स्कूल के इतिहास में पढ़ाया जाता है कि कैसे मुगलों को इनके शौर्य ने हराया। https://t.co/qM8jImmsJJ
— ASHUTOSH MISHRA (@JournoAshutosh) June 1, 2022
Unfortunately That’s the Norm These Days!
Kids, this is why you must read books and not WhatsApp forwards. https://t.co/pfmuVDgLoP
— Sayantan Ghosh (@sayantansunnyg) June 1, 2022
Settlers vs Invaders
Dear #AkshayyKumar,
Mughalls were ‘settlers’.
There’s a difference between ‘Settlers’ (Mughalls and Aryans) ‘Invaders’ (Alexander, Timur etc)
and ‘Colonizers’ ( Britain France etc)
But you wouldn’t know.
When they were teaching this, you’d bunked class to chew Vimal Pan Masala. https://t.co/riIhkuAyTS
— Dr_Saaheba (@Dr_Saaheba) June 1, 2022
Covered in Textbooks
Why he is talking like IT cell employee?
From Mauryas to Chauhans,, including south Indian dynasties kadamba, Chalukya,pallava, chola,chera,pandya etc evrything covered in over textbooks.
Actually he doesn’t remember his own words how can he remembers history in our textbooks. https://t.co/xPAFWWQwLn
— _ShAsH!K?_ (@__Who_Am_I__5) June 1, 2022
CBSE Students, Can You Confirm This?
I studied from Kendriya Vidyalaya (CBSE), I read about Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan in every class from 6th to 10th.
Maybe they dont teach that in Canadian schools so you are misguided or deliberately peddling lies. https://t.co/fGEyyQYAe7
— Roshan Rai (@RoshanKrRaii) June 1, 2022
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