On Friday, November 24, the Delhi Police shared a video on X (formerly Twitter) showing a biker doing a stunt on a bike and falling on the road at the end. The police used the famous song ‘Moye Moye’ in a video showing a biker riding his motorbike with a wheelie at a high speed and falling on a busy road after losing his balance. The clip is captioned as “Gaadi par control na khoyen, nahi toh ho sakta hai Moye Moye..” The clip ends with a man laughing and a small boy reacting after the biker falls on the road. Watch: Delhi Traffic Police Creative Warning to Bikers Attempting Dangerous Stunts Goes Viral; Twitter Post Leaves Netizens Thrilled.
Delhi Police Warning Video:
Gaadi par control na khoyen, nahi toh ho sakta hai Moye Moye..#DelhiPoliceCares pic.twitter.com/rYYrYj3EV9
— Delhi Police (@DelhiPolice) November 24, 2023
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