Tag: Bezos

  • Bezos says Amazon needs to do better for employees

    Bezos says Amazon needs to do better for employees

    The second largest private employer in the US, Amazon has criticized some of its 800,000 employees for working conditions

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    Amazon.com Inc. needs to do better at taking care of its employees, Jeff Bezos said in his final letter to shareholders as chief executive of the online retail giant on Thursday.

    Just a few days after Bezos’ remarks, Amazon warehouse workers in Alabama voted against forming a union by more than a 2-to-1-margin margin – a major victory for the retailer, which has fiercely opposed the union for decades.

    “While the world’s richest man, Bezos, wrote in the letter,” while the voting results were omitted and our direct relationship with employees is strong, we must clarify that we need a better approach to employees Needed.

    “I think we need to do a better job for our employees.”

    Also read New small business alliance targets Amazon on antitrust

    Amazon, America’s second-largest private employer, has criticized some of its 800,000 employees because of their harsh working conditions.

    Bezos asserted against that criticism in his letter, stating that the company’s workers were treated “as robots”.

    Bezos, who is setting up as CEO of the company later this year in 1994, said he planned to work to secure Amazon’s workhouse in his new role as executive chairman.

    Stuart Appelbaum, president of the retail, wholesale and department store union, said in a statement, “Their (Bezos’) entry will not change anything, workers need only one more Amazon public relations effort to control damage.”


  • Jeff Bezos has named Andrew Steer as head of the Bezos Earth Fund

    Jeff Bezos has named Andrew Steer as head of the Bezos Earth Fund

    In February Bezos said he would step down as chief executive of Amazon and focus on his other passions including the Day 1 Fund, Bezos Earth Fund and Blue Origin

    (For a quick snapshot of the top 5 tech stories, subscribe to our today’s Cash Newsletter. Click here to subscribe for free.)

    Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com Inc. on Tuesday named Andrew Styer, who heads the environmental think tank World Resource Institute, as president and chief executive officer of its $ 10 billion Earth Fund.

    The billionaire started the Bezos Earth Fund last year and raised $ 10 billion to fund scientists, activists, nonprofit organizations and other groups fighting to protect the environment and combat the effects of climate change Were.

    Bezos said in an Instagram post, Steer has years of experience in environmental and climatology as well as economic and social policy in the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa.

    Also read Amazon opens its own rainforest ‘areas’ in Seattle

    Amazon, which distributes 10 billion items a year, has a massive transportation and data center footprint, and the e-commerce giant has faced criticism from its own workforce for the impact it has on the environment. .

    Bezos said in February that he would step down as chief executive officer of Amazon and focus on his other passions including Day 1 Fund, Bezos Earth Fund and Blue Origin.

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