The delivery partners, who were arrested on Wednesday after berating a customer, were released on station bail when they got into an argument. Accused Kamaraj, who was let go of the food delivery app Zomato, told police that the woman not only abused him, but also attacked him with a slipper, after which he punched her in self-defense.
A senior official said, “We are investigating these allegations, as the victim has claimed to have attacked her only after she suffocated.”
The incident came to light when makeup artist Hitesh Chandrani posted a video online describing the alleged attack, which took place on 9 March. He had ordered food at around 3.30 pm and delivery was expected to take place in an hour. When the meal did not arrive, he called the firm’s customer care number to file a complaint and demanded free delivery or cancellation of the order. While she was on the phone, Kamaraj arrived with food. The two got into a fight. Ms. Chandrani alleged that the delivery partner kept the door open, entered the house, placed the order on her desk and punched her in the face
“We have recorded statements from both sides for further investigation,” said a police officer. He said that after investigating the case, it was decided to release Kamaraj on station bail on the condition that he report to the police whenever he was called.
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