The government on Friday held an emergency meeting amid reports of blood clotting in some patients in Europe, which found Oxford-AstraAnica shots and concluded that no such problem was reported in India, with the head of the National Task Force, Dr. NK Arora said in an online conversation with Indian Police Service (IPS) officials on Saturday for COVID-19.
AstraZeneca vaccines are manufactured by the Serum Institute of India (SII) in Pune and are known as Covishield in India. The other available vaccine – Kovaxin is manufactured by Bharat Biotech.
Dr. Arora said the report has been shared with the World Health Organization (WHO) and most European countries have resumed the vaccination program. He claimed that in total, if 10,000 people were vaccinated, adverse symptoms such as fever, swelling, redness, and pain were reported in only 40 cases. “Yesterday (Friday) 97.5% of people who develop symptoms (after vaccination) had these adverse events. So only 40 out of 10,000 overall had significant symptoms … I’m using these figures because I’m talking to a fantastic group. Adverse symptoms are uncommon. We have given 4 crore injections, people have not been lost due to serious incidents, ”Dr. Aurora said.
Dr. VK Paul, member NITI Aayog who also participated in the interaction, said that the incidence of AEFI (adverse events after vaccination) is minimal – 0.05%.
The virtual meeting on the COVID-19 vaccine was organized by the IPS (Central) Association and was moderated by senior IPS officer Aditya Mishra.
At least two IPS officers sought to know which of the two vaccines was more effective.
Director of AIIMS Drs. Randeep Guleria reacted to this by saying that it would be months earlier by comparison but both are equally effective.
“Kovaxin uses the inactive platform and Kovild, the virus vector platform to inject spike proteins into the body, is currently delivered via the intramuscular pathway … Both vaccines produce good amounts of antibodies. Are … We should take the vaccines available to us, it will be several months. We can compare A to B, but they are more or less equally effective, given that we have to vaccinate a large number of people. Both have to be approved. “
Dr. Guleria said that vaccines can provide protection for “at least 8 months-1 years” and even longer but will depend on how the virus behaves and how protection develops for different populations. is.
Dr. Arora said that 30% of people infected with COVID-19 cannot develop antibodies and will act as a booster if they take the vaccine.
There are 22 categories of people including people above 60 years of age and frontline workers who have been given priority for COVID-19 shot by the government.
“Till now, pregnant women and children under 18 have not been given vaccines for lack of scientific studies. Individuals suffering from hyper tension, diabetes, cancer, heart disease or living on a blood thinner can get the vaccine … Those taking cancer drugs and suffering from auto immune disorder can also take it. Severe obese people should get it, liver or kidney disease should also get it, our Indian data shows that if someone has these so-called illnesses, including lung infections and asthma, if they get COVID. , Then the risk of death is 17-20% more … 750 doctors and medical personnel lost their lives, 1500 police personnel died, it is unpredictable and painful, take vaccines on the highest priority.
Dr. Paul said that the supply of vaccines is limited and they should be given to the people who need them most. “78% of deaths above 50 years of age,” he said, adding that police could play a role in implementing COVID-19’s proper behavior.
“A legend is produced. If we have two billion doses today, everyone can be vaccinated, it is dependent on monthly production, there is no huge stock available, except for a few small nations and Gulf countries. Priority is not beyond groups. Britain has also not included health care workers. The goal of herd immunity is not being adopted by any country other than Israel, ”Dr. Paul said when asked why family members of police officers were also not being vaccinated.
“People think that COVID is over, the virus is still there, it hasn’t gone away … we are allowing the virus to spread, parties are happening … massive changes in people’s attitude, Kovid There may be fatigue but we have to follow the norms… disease spreading due to congestion development, many people are traveling, going on holidays, non-essential travel should be stopped, ”Dr. Guleria said.
Dr. Paul said enforcement played a role in combating the disease. “The chain of transmission has to be stopped. The container zone has to be demarcated, the contacts have to be separated, this is an enforcement issue…. When there are many cases in a community, building or street (street), the area should be protected so that the disease is contained. Enforcement will ensure a ring-fencing transition, ”said Dr. Paul.