Tag: 2021 President’s Business Agenda

  • US trade report challenges in ‘Make in India’ policy

    US trade report challenges in ‘Make in India’ policy

    The US Congress reported that the campaign faces challenges to bilateral trade relations

    The trade agenda of the President of 2021 with India during 2020 and the annual report of 2020 – an annual report submitted to Congress by the US Trade Representative (USTR), states that the US has “long been affecting the exporters of the US market.” I tried to block access. ” The report described India’s policies as “trade-restrictive” and the “Make in India” campaign as a symbol of challenges to trade relations.

    “While India’s large market, economic growth, and development is an essential market for many US exporters, a general and consistent trend of trade-restrictive policies has hampered the potential of bilateral trade relations.” The report says, the recent Indian emphasis on import substitution through the “Make in India” campaign has challenged bilateral trade relations. The Make in India campaign was launched by Prime Minister Modi in 2014 to encourage production in India.

    The report describes the Trump administration’s June 2009 revocation of India’s preferential trading position under the General System of Preference (GSP) program and the upcoming discussion to achieve a mini-trade deal (“package”) by 2020.

    “The US objectives in this dialogue included resolving various non-tariff barriers, targeted reduction of some Indian tariffs and improving other market access. The United States has pursued intellectual property (IP) protection and enforcement on an ongoing basis, policy developments affecting electronic commerce and digital trade, and responding to specific concerns affecting a full range of pressing bilateral trade issues with India, and Influenced market access. For agricultural and non-agricultural goods and services, ”the report states.


    These issues remain unresolved, except for inconclusive, negotiations until the end of the Trump administration closes.

    In a country-wise section on Digital Service Tax (DST), the Section 301 investigation on India’s DST, which began in June last year, is exposed. According to the report, the investigation is going on.

    India gets a total of 179 mentions in the report, which is more than 300 pages long. Many of the references are in a chapter on trade enforcement activities – describing disputes brought by the US to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

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