A video of a group performing Suryanamaskars (Sun Salutations) wearing tricoloured clothes has gone viral on Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media and messaging apps with the claim that it was performed at Tokyo Olympics 2020. The video has been shared multiple times with the claim that the group performed surya namaskars at the opening ceremony of 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Tokyo Olympics 2020: Drones Form Revolving Globe Above Olympic Stadium, Watch Video.
On Twitter, some users have shared the video with the caption, “SURYANAMASKAR performed during opening ceremony of TOKYO OLYMPICS 2020 in TRICOLOUR DRESS#ICHEER4INDIA.”
Here is one such tweet
SURYANAMASKAR performed during opening ceremony of TOKYO OLYMPICS 2020 in TRICOLOUR DRESS#ICHEER4INDIA pic.twitter.com/nCxkT6l1Kv
— mahipal singh (@mpsoutlook) July 25, 2021
On searching the Internet, Morning Tidings fact check team found that the video is old and was being shared with a fake claim. It has been found that the video is from a 2015 event in Mongolia, which was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Here is the YouTube video
In the YouTube video, at 5.31 minutes, the same Surya Namaskar performance can be seen as is being shared with the Tokyo Olympics claim. The event was organised by the Art of Living foundation at the Buyant Ukhaa Stadium in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in May 2015. Hence, it is proven that the claim that the surya namaskar video is from the opening ceremony of Tokyo Olympics is fake news. We urge readers not to share it with the fake claim.
Fact check
Claim :
Suryanamaskars were performed at the opening ceremony of Tokyo Olympics 2020.
Conclusion :
The video is from a 2015 event organised by The Art of Living foundation in Mongolia to welcome PM Narendra Modi.
(The above story first appeared on Morning Tidings on Jul 30, 2021 11:04 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website morningtidings.com).
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