Surgery helps humans recover from a rare condition

Surgery helps humans recover from a rare condition

A surgery was performed by Apollo Hospitals, in which a 57-year-old man was diagnosed with Achalasia cardia, an unusual condition that affects the muscles of the food pipe.

The patient living in Gandhi Market, Tiruchi, complained of sleeplessness and nausea for six months. SNK Chenduran, consultant gastroenterologist, diagnosed him with Achalasia cardia.

In this case, the lower osophageal sphincter — a muscular valve between the food pipe and the stomach — fails to relax during swallowing, causing chest pain, heartburn, vomiting, weight loss, and sleepiness.

One per oral endoscopic myotomy, a minimally invasive procedure was performed on the patient by a team of doctors led by Dr. Chenduran. The procedure is commonly used to treat early and small cancerous lesions in the stomach and intestines, he said.

The fully recovered patient is now able to eat, and can sleep well, doctors said.

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