Indian cricket fans already know what Yuzvendra Chahal’s iconic pose is. The frame of the Indian spinner, lying down, relaxed just outside the boundary lines was an instant hit as it went viral immediately. Chahal used it as a celebration when he bagged a hat-trick for Rajasthan Royals against Kolkata Knight Riders in the IPL. As he stamped his authority on the iconic posture, former Indian cricketer Suresh Raina recreated it with Chahal and shared the picture onย social media. He jokingly said that it required a lot of training and regular practice and also wished his former teammate Chahal best wishes for the upcoming series against Australia.ย Salaam Rocky Bhai! Dinesh Karthik Meets KGF Star Yash, Shares Picture on Twitter.
Suresh Raina Recreates Yuzendra Chahal’s Viral Pose
Trying the most famous pose ever .. Took a lot of training and regular practice at the ground ๐ .. All the best for the upcoming series brother @yuzi_chahal ๐ช#justforfun #posemaker
โ Suresh Raina๐ฎ๐ณ (@ImRaina) February 24, 2023
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