Shah Rukh Khan shared a warm hug with cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar, Madhuri Dixit Nene, Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh at the oath-taking ceremony of Maharashtra’s new Chief Minister, Devendra Fadnavis, on Thursday (December 5) at Azad Maidan, Mumbai. The event, which marked an important political moment, saw Bollywood’s biggest stars coming together. Janhvi Kapoor, Shikhar Pahariya, and Arjun Kapoor attended the event. Shah Rukh Khan Attends Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis’ Oath-Taking Ceremony at Azad Maidan, Mumbai (Watch Video).
Shah Rukh Khan Hugs Sachin Tendulkar, Ranveer Singh And Ranbir Kapoor
Shah Rukh Khan With Ranveer Singh And Ranbir Kapoor
Shah Rukh Khan Meets Madhuri Dixit Nene
Janhvi Kapoor, Shikhar Pahariy, and Arjun Kapoor Attended The Oath-Ceremony
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