Security will be increased at sensitive, important polling stations in Chennai

Security will be increased at sensitive, important polling stations in Chennai

District Election Officer G Prakash said that Chennai District Election Office will facilitate additional security arrangements for voters in 565 sensitive and 30 important polling stations in 16 assembly constituencies.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting with City Police Commissioner Mahesh Kumar Aggarwal on Thursday, Mr. Prakash said that there was a need to improve the security system for voters in 158 residential areas who were vulnerable to electoral crime.

More than 30 polling stations at 10 places in 16 assembly constituencies recorded more than 90% turnout in previous elections, and the majority of the votes were secured by a single candidate. Such polling stations are classified as important.

“The Election Commission of India (ECI) has ordered a postal ballot for senior citizens, persons with disabilities and COVID-19 patients. In Chennai district, 18,268 senior citizens out of 1.08 lakh have received 12D forms for postal ballot. A total of 7,460 persons with disabilities and 90 COVID-19 patients have been identified for delivery of postal ballots, ”said Mr. Prakash.

1.19 lakh forms have been sent to residential neighborhoods for the convenience of postal ballots. A total of 5,238 senior citizens and 710 handicapped persons have handed over 12D forms to the authorities. “We will soon inform the media persons about the postal ballot,” he said.

The District Election Office has received 30 complaints on the toll-free helpline 1800-425-7012. There have been 49 complaints received on the CVIGIL app. A total of 2,762 residents phoned the 1950 helpline to get clarification regarding electoral aspects such as Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC). Residents reported 17 violations with the Model Code of Conduct. A total of 14 FIRs have been registered.

9,847 voting machines have been arranged with 7,292 control units and 7,474 VVPATs. Flying squad and static surveillance teams have so far seized 13 bags of gutkha, 2,960 kg of rice, 28.6 kg of silver and 73 grams of gold.

“Election officials have cleaned graffiti, posters and banners at 45,044 places. We will start including expenses in the account of candidates in the event of a fresh default. Returning officers are empowered to reject candidates who violate the COVID-19 criteria, such as wearing masks. During nomination only two persons should be involved with the candidate. They should wear masks, ”said Mr. Prakash.

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