The film trailer of Sankranthiki Vasthunam was released, marking the much-anticipated reunion of Victory Venkatesh and director Anil Ravipudi. Set to release on January 14, for Sankranthi, the film promises an action-packed ride. The story revolves around the kidnapping of a highly influential figure, an event that could bring down the government if exposed. To resolve the crisis, the government seeks out Venkatesh, an ex-cop and a devoted family man leading a peaceful life with his wife Bhagyam, played by Aishwarya Rajesh. However, their tranquillity is shattered when Venkatesh’s ex-girlfriend, Meenakshi —now a cop—recruits him to solve the case. Meenakshi Chaudhary and Aishwarya Rajesh are the heroines opposite Venkatesh Venkatesh’s Daughter Aashritha Daggubati Poses ‘Liquid to Dessert’ Challenge to Home Cooks on MasterChef India Telugu Show.
Sankranthiki Vasthunam Trailer
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