Mumbai police on Tuesday recreated the crime scene with the accused arrested for the knife attack on Saif Ali Khan at the actor’s residence in upscale Bandra, an official said. Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case: Accused Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad Reveals He Was a National-Level Wrestler in Bangladesh.
A team of 20 officials reached the Satguru Sharan building in four police vans around 5.30 am and were on the premises for an hour, the official said.
Mumbai Police Recreates Crime Scene with Accused
#WATCH | Mumbai, Maharashtra: Police brought Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, the accused in the Saif Ali Khan attack case to the National College Bus Stop to recreate the crime scene.
โ ANI (@ANI) January 21, 2025
He said the police team entered the building through the front gate with the accused, Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir. Later, they also took him to the Bandra railway station, from where he had taken a train to Dadar, and to a place outside a garden where he had slept after the attack.
Khan (54) was stabbed repeatedly by the intruder inside his 12-floor apartment in the building on January 16, necessitating surgery. The police on Sunday arrested Fakir, a Bangladeshi national who was staying in India illegally after changing his name to Vijay Das, from neighbouring Thane city.
The official said after recreating the crime scene and going to places the accused had visited while on the run, Fakir was brought back to Bandra police station, where officials will interrogate him. Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case: Accused Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad Reveals He Initially Planned To Target Shah Rukh Khanโs Mannat Before Choosing Saifโs Home.
The metropolitan magistrate’s court in Bandra has remanded the accused in five-day police custody.
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