Reader’s Mail – The Hindu

Reader’s Mail – The Hindu

Apropos for news items, 28 firecrackers units license suspendedTwo accidents in firecracker units have taken the lives of 29 laborers in Virudhunagar district. These unskilled workers have poor knowledge about the hazardous nature of explosive material. Violation by the licensee begins with leasing and abandonment and they pay very little attention to the security criteria. The Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) should organize awareness camps and seminars to enhance safety habits among workers. A well-informed workforce will be doubly cautious. Officers of the Industrial Security, Revenue, Labor and Fire and Rescue Services should conduct surprise inspections and prevent habitual criminals from running the business until conditions are met. A security audit by professionals from nearby corporations once a year will also help. Accidents never happen, they happen. Firecracker units should aim for a zero accident year.


Most of the roads in Parmakudi municipality are in poor condition. For example, on Ayyadurai Street, pits have been built in many places. Two-wheeler riders are most affected because they have to endure every day due to the back ride. Poor road conditions will also cause accidents. I request the municipal authorities to repair the roads as soon as possible.


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