Aaman Devgan, nephew of Ajay Devgn, and Rasha Thadani, daughter of Raveena Tandon, are preparing for the theatrical release of their debut film, Azaad. Recently, the young stars were spotted during the film’s promotions in Bandra, Mumbai. However, what truly grabbed everyone’s attention was the duo’s decision to bring their respective pets along for the promotional event. Both Rasha and Aaman were seen with their pets, adding a sweet touch to the promotional activity. Directed by Abhishek Kapoor, Azaad also features Ajay Devgn and Diana Penty, and is set for release on January 17. ‘Next Katrina Kaif’: Raveena Tandon’s Daughter Rasha Thadani Wows Netizens With Her First Item Number ‘Uyi Amma’ From ‘Azaad’.
Rasha Thadani With Her Pet
Aaman Devgan With His Pet
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