Police arrest two autorickshaw drivers in Chennai for raping a minor girl

Police arrest two autorickshaw drivers in Chennai for raping a minor girl

The All Woman Police, Ennore, on Wednesday arrested two autorickshaw drivers who forcibly picked up a 14-year-old girl from her neighborhood and raped her.

The victim is a Class 9 student. Her mother lodged a police complaint stating that her daughter had gone missing since last Saturday. The All Women Police, Ennore, took part in the action and rescued the girl, found under a bridge at Ashtipet in Panthunagar. She was given medical assistance and psychological counseling. An investigation revealed that the girl was raped by two autorickshaw drivers who forcibly took her to an autorickshaw.

A special team of police personnel arrested the culprits, whose identity was S.W. Azgururaj, 33 of VOC Nagar and b. Ajith as Thalankuppam’s 23. During interrogation, he confessed to the crime. Both were recorded under Section 6 (Aggravated Sexual Sexual Harassment) and other sections of Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses. After being produced in court, he was sent to judicial custody.

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