Home ยป Nine Pakistani soldiers killed, 1 injured in Balochistan attack

Nine Pakistani soldiers killed, 1 injured in Balochistan attack

Unidentified gunmen attacked a vehicle carrying security forces, killing two Pakistani navy personnel and injuring another in the rest of Balochistan province’s coastal district Gwadar.

The Pakistan Navy vehicle arrived during indiscriminate firing on 6 March while traveling from Jawan to Jawani in Gwadar district.

An official said that as a result of the firing, two Pakistani Navy personnel were killed and another person was injured.

The dead marines were identified as Sohail, Sailor and a barber named Noman. The injured was identified as Raza. Soon after the incident, security forces left for the scene of the attack and took the injured to the hospital.

Assistant Commissioner Gwadar retired Capt. Athar Abbas said that the area where the attack took place has been cordoned off, but no one has been arrested yet.

Five laborers were killed and four others were injured in a roadside bomb blast in Tandori area near Sibi in the province.

Militants and separatists belonging to illegally declared organizations routinely attack security personnel, convoys and laborers from other provinces in the province, which is a $ 60 billion dollar hub of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

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