Many prisoners of Tihar jail questioned in Ambani bomb case

Many prisoners of Tihar jail questioned in Ambani bomb case

Outfit on radar after claiming responsibility for explosion outside Israel embassy in New Delhi

In the latest development in the Mukesh Ambani bomb case, the Delhi Police Special Cell has interrogated several inmates in Tihar Jail after they tracked the IP address of the device on which the telegram channel ‘Jaishulhind’ was being operated from the jail premises. .

On 25 February, an SUV containing 20 gelatin sticks was found outside Shri Ambani’s residence in Mumbai, Antilia. The next day, a group identified themselves as ‘Jaish-ul-Hind’ claiming responsibility.

A senior police official said that the organization was on his radar after claiming to have claimed responsibility for the blast outside the Israeli embassy in New Delhi. His investigation also took him to Tihar and the case was under investigation.

“Intelligence agencies working on terror have never entered the organization. There were no traces of funding or any link with terrorist groups. It appears that it is designed for extortion in the name of a terrorist organization.

After the group claimed to have planted a bomb outside Mr Ambani’s house, it came on the radar of the Mumbai Police and their investigation led him to Tihar.

According to the investigation report, it was found that the group was running through the Tor proxy (Dark Web). On further exploitation of the phone, it was found that the virtual number app was being used by Target, along with other anonymous communication apps. Through various exploits sent for targeted identification on the use and analysis of IP addresses received on 26 February.

The investigation report further states that it appeared that the person was using a SIM card to run internet on the device to operate the Telegram channel @jaishnind. After sorting out the IP address, it was found that the mobile number was being used, which the Mumbai Police or other agencies concerned could investigate further to extract their evidence. After tracking the location of the number, it is suspected that it has been used near / inside Tihar Jail.

A senior police officer said that the Mumbai police never went to Tihar Jail to investigate the matter. The investigation is on. Prison officials have been instructed to be vigilant and use of any mobile phone in the prison premises should not be ensured.

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