Light rain likely over parts of South Tamil Nadu by weekend

Light rain likely over parts of South Tamil Nadu by weekend

In some parts of South Tamil Nadu, the summer heat can bring relief from the weekend. The Meteorological Department has predicted light rain for two or three days around March 19.

However, hot days are in store in other parts of the state as dry weather will continue during the week. Meteorological Department officials said that in some places the maximum temperature for the day could be two to three degrees Celsius higher than the normal temperature. On Monday, the weather center in Nungambakkam experienced a near normal temperature of 33.6 degrees Celsius.

The maximum temperature rose to 35.1 degree Celsius as compared to the previous day. The suburbs of Chennai, which are far from the coast, felt the heat as day temperatures remained at 35.5 ° C at the Meenambakkam weather center for the second consecutive day. This is about 2.5 degrees Celsius above the average daytime temperature.

Officials said that this trend of weather may continue till Wednesday and the maximum temperature in the city will be around 35 degree Celsius.

According to IMD records, on March 29, 1953, the daytime temperature touched a high for March at 40.6 degrees Celsius.

Nights are also heating up in the city as the minimum temperature has been recorded around 24 degrees Celsius due to rising humidity levels.

N. Puvirasan, director of the Area Cyclone Warning Center in Chennai, said light rain could affect one or two places in South Tamil Nadu from March 19. Easter winds are still prevalent in the region and will largely help prevent daytime temperatures from rising rapidly, especially in coastal areas in April or May.

However, in some interior locations such as Erode and Karur, the maximum temperature has reached 37 ° C. Officials said the moisture content has come down as strong winds are reaching the interior areas.

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