Apple revealed its new iPhone 13 range during its live keynote from Cupertino on Tuesday. Four new devices were unveiled by the US technology firm including a standard iPhone 13, a smaller mini and two premium devices called the Pro and Pro Max.
All get a faster A15 Bionic processor, improved cameras and longer battery life with Apple boasting that some users may see an extra 2.5 hours of usage on one charge.
The iPhone 13 and mini both receive an upgrade to the OLED screen which should improve colours and richness of blacks and anyone opting for the Pro models will be treated a 120Hz refresh rate which makes scrolling through content feel buttery smooth.
Other extras coming to these devices include new colour choices and something called Cinematic Mode. This video setting automatically changes the focus on faces to give home movies a Tinseltown makeover.
You even tinker with this clever effect after the video has been shot which is pretty impressive.
You can read full details about the iPhone 13 here and if it’s the Pro versions that take your fancy then here’s everything you need to know about these premium devices.
So how much will these phones cost?
The iPhone mini starts from £679 with the standard iPhone setting you back £779.
If you fancy the Pro then this device costs from £949 with the Max model setting you back at least £1,049.
Apple is offering trade-in deals if you’re happy to hand over your current iPhone and there are ways to pay in instalments with prices starting from under £30 per month.
In fact, you can buy the iPhone 13 mini for £28.29 a month for 24 months or the standard iPhone 13 costs £32.34 a month for 24 months.
All of the big mobile networks are also expected to reveal deals when pre-orders go live at 1pm and we will be updating this article throughout the day so watch this space.
Apple’s store is currently offline with fans urged to check back at 1pm when its deals go live.
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