Home ยป In Thanjavur, 3% of voters can use postal ballot facility

In Thanjavur, 3% of voters can use postal ballot facility

Out of the 20.56 lakh voters in Thanjavur district, about 3% are considered eligible to use the postal ballot facility under the general category of voters.

The District Election Wing screened the final voter list published in January, in which the over 80-year-old were physically disabled, affected by COVID-19 infection and recovered and connected to essential services such as railways, press and media personnel People were included. After the announcement of Election Commission of India, these sections of voters can also exercise their franchise through postal ballot papers from the voter list of eight assembly constituencies falling under Thanjavur revenue district.

Although the screening and enumeration process has thrown the figure of 45,337 under seniors 80 and older and 13,946 under the physically disabled categories, sources said that COWID-19 would identify infected or recovered voters DEW officials were unable to. People engaged in elections and essential services like railways, press and media services due to lack of clear instructions to identify the category of voters.

However, the list of those detained under ‘preventive arrest’ provisions and those prepared for election duty has been read and efforts have been initiated to provide them postal ballots, sources said.

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