Actor Hrithik Roshan recently hosted Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai fame Mohsin Khan and his family at his residence. Taking to Instagram, Mohsin dropped a few pictures and videos from his meeting with the Krissh star. In the images, we can see Hrithik posing with Mohsin, his sister Zeba Khan Ahmed and her son Mikhail Ahmed. Dressed in a black T-shirt, matching pants, and shoes, Hrithik looked super cool. Mohsin Khan Introduces Hrithik Roshan to His Little Nephew Mikhail in This Adorable Video – Watch.
Mohsin was dressed in a denim shirt, pants, and sneakers. Zeba opted for a pink shirt, black pants, and shoes. The highlight of their meeting is Hrithik asking the little boy to give him a high five and a fist bump. However, Mikhail ignored the actor’s high-five. As the toddler looked away, Hrithik said, “No? Okay. Next time.” The video ended with Hrithik patting the child on his back and saying, “Nice to meet you guys.”
Mohsin captioned the post, “An honour to meet with This Beautiful Human One of d Biggest Actors and d Best Looking Guy in d World.. Thankyou for Welcoming us into your gorgeous home.” Glimpses from Mohsin’s meeting with Hrithik left netizens in awe. “Hahaha so cute,” a social media user commented. “Hrithik and this kid are cuties,” another one wrote. Jackson Wang Shares Photo With Hrithik Roshan and His Fam While Paying a Visit to the Actor’s House (View Pic).
Watch The Video And Photos Here:
Meanwhile, on the work front, Hrithik is currently busy working on his film Fighter, which also stars Deepika Padukone, Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover and Akshay Oberoi. It is being helmed by Siddharth Anand. Fighter will be India’s first aerial action film. It’s also the first time Hrithik shares screen space with Deepika. The film intends to appeal to a global audience with its story deeply rooted in India.
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