HOT Ukrainian model Anastasia Pokreshchuk, who claims to have the biggest cheeks in the world, has shared pictures of a before-after pic on her Instagram that shows her before and after surgeries to get the huge cheeks. Fans are having a hard time to recognize her by looking at those pictures. She is very popular on social media for her looks and has garnered immense fandom. According to reports, she has undergone cosmetic procedures and surgeries several times to get the current look. While we are talking about the woman with the biggest cheeks in the world, did you know who has the biggest butt on OnlyFans? Well, it is claimed London-based bombshell underent £40k worth plastic surgery to have the largest rear on the XXX Website. The Instagram model wishing to have the largest butt on the XXX platform spent £40,000 aka 39,00,900 INR to have a bum that is the largest on the XXX website.
Anastasia Pokreshchuk, 32, took six years to change her look. Along with this, we also spent about one and a half lakh rupees. While sharing his photo, he wrote that two photos of 26 and 32. Who will you choose? This post of his has received more than 22 thousand likes.According to The Mirror, Anastasia Pokreshchuk took her first facial filler at the age of 26. When he shared his photo, his fans were surprised to see it. You will be surprised to see their pictures before cosmetic surgery. In these pictures, his cheeks and lips are seen quite large. Let us know that by looking at their photos, users are giving different types of reactions on social media.
Anastasia Pokreshchuk, 32, took 6 years to change her look, she spent $ 2,100 or about ₹ 1.5 lakh to change her face. On Instagram, she has made over 2 lakh followers by sharing photos of her body modifications. Most of his photographs include his pink hair, contact lenses and dramatic makeup. However, the model recently shared throwback pics on the photo and video sharing platform, in which she looks completely different.
(The above story first appeared on Morning Tidings on Mar 05, 2021 11:12 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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