Government. Avoiding discussion in Parliament: CPI (M)

Government.  Avoiding discussion in Parliament: CPI (M)

For the last three days, opposition parties have been staging protests in both houses of parliament demanding a debate on rising fuel prices and farmers’ agitation.

The CPI (M) gives slogans to the government to waive ‘accountability’ to Parliament. The party’s Politburo said that Parliament had only gone on a four-day long holiday to help the government avoid answering uncomfortable questions on fuel growth and farmers’ agitation.

For the last three days, opposition parties have been staging protests in both houses of Parliament demanding a debate on rising fuel prices and farmers’ agitation. And after three days of disruptions, Parliament went on a four-day holiday. Thursday was a holiday in Parliament on the day of Shivaratri. Members requested both Chairman Venkaiah Naidu and Chairman Om Birla to call a session for Friday. This was followed by a four-day holiday for Parliament over the weekend.

In a statement here, the Politburo condemned the government’s refusal to discuss the issues, saying, “To avoid such discussions, the Parliament sessions have been canceled by 15 March. This is the worst example of giving up government accountability and the accountability of Parliament as prescribed by the Indian Constitution. ”

The party reiterated its demand that the central government should withdraw all increase in excise duty on petroleum products.

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