The highly anticipated Ram Charan and S Shankar film Game Changer is set to release on January 10, with its promotional campaign currently in full swing. A grand pre-release event named Mega Power Event took place at Rajahmundry in Andhra Pradesh today (January 4), which was graced by AP Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan, who is also Ram Charan’s uncle. Interacting with fans at the event, Ram Charan thanked Pawan Kalyan for his auspicious presence at the event. Showering praise on his uncle, Ram Charan said in Telugu, “I may have played the role of a Game Changer in the film, we all know that in real life Pawan Kalyan is the No 1 Game Changer not just in AP but Indian politics.” In the video capturing this moment, the Telugu superstar could also be seen touching his uncle’s feet and taking his blessings. ‘Game Changer’ Trailer: Ram Charan As Fierce IAS Officer Locks Horns With Politician SJ Suryah for Justice in Massy Thriller Co-Starring Kiara Advani (Watch Video).
Ram Charan Calls Pawan Kalyan Real ‘Game Changer’ at Hyderabad Pre-Release Event
“#PawanKalyan is the real game changer in Indian politics.”
“This #GameChanger is a story written about a person like Pawan Kalyan.”
–#RamCharan at #MegaPowerEvent
— Pakka Telugu Media (@pakkatelugunewz) January 4, 2025
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