Funds approved under MPLADS for 2019-20: FM Sitharaman

Funds approved under MPLADS for 2019-20: FM Sitharaman

TRS MP b. Lingaiah Yadav took up the matter during the Zero Hour in the House.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday that the fund has been approved under the Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) for 2019-20.

TRS MP b. Lingaiah Yadav took up the matter during the Zero Hour in the House.

Reacting to the issue, Ms Sitharaman said that several MPs from various parties have represented on the matter.

“It is well known that for 2020-21 and 2021-22 it was decided that no new commitments would be made for MPLADS, and therefore, no allocation would be made,” she said.

The minister further said that any commitments for the year 2019-20 will be honored.

“I have approved the file on this … For 2019-20, before the matter of Corona, every commitment, which has been made by the Honorable MPs, will be fulfilled. However, as the directive was or as There was a notification for the year 2020-21 and there would be no new commitment on MPLADS for the year 2021-22, ”she said.

Ms Sitharaman said that the funds have been approved from the Finance Ministry and the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MoSPI) has assured them that they will immediately send the funds to the districts.

MPLADS funds have been approved for MPs from both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha for 2019-20.

Under this scheme, each MP has the option to suggest to the District Collector that he should work in his constituency at the rate of Rs. 5 crores per year.

Rajya Sabha members of Parliament can recommend to work in one or more districts in the state from which they have been elected.

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