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Fantasy Baseball Auction Tips: Best Strategy Advice for Auction Draft

There are a few days every year that I look forward to, and the draft of my live fantasy baseball auction is one of them. If you have never done an auction, especially in a person, then you are missing out. Watching your league suggests that after bidding $ 20 on Carlos Carrasco, can you bid $ 19 in the 15th-floor conference room on Sixth Avenue. Cutting the head, sighing and flapping of papers adds to the fun of the day.

For those who are new to the auction, I will cover some basic concepts, then go into a few different strategies to use.

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the basics

Each team is traditionally given a budget of $ 260 to bid on 23 players. Your bench is filled with a snake draft, however after the auction is over you decide several rounds from the remaining players. Someone is chosen to bid and will nominate a player to bid. The bid continues until all others have passed to increase the bid. When auctioning online, there is a timer that starts after each bid, acting as your auctioneer.

You have to keep an eye on how many dollars you have left and how many players you still have to fill your roster. Teams cannot nominate a player for whom they do not have a place, and cannot bid more than a certain amount, because you must have at least one dollar for each incomplete roster spot. So, if you have $ 15 left and four roster spots, your maximum bid is $ 12, which will leave you with $ 3 for three spots.

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Fantasy Baseball Auction Strategy Tips, Advice

Auction Price vs. Pricing

When you look at the Draft Guide on how much you should spend on players as you start presenting your draft, you will see that all sites will see it as auction “prices”. These are predictions of a share of $ 260 that would be worth the player’s figure. My viewpoint is different. The only players who have values ​​will be bid on. If the player will not bid, his value is zero. Also, players may not have a negative “value” in my opinion. If you bid on those players you do not get a refund. In a 12-team league with 23 players on each roster, 276 players will be selected. These are the only players that will have a value in my system. If you add all the values, it will cost $ 3,120 (or the total teams multiplied by your initial budget).

I have been auctioning since 1991, and by ticking this, it has allowed me to be very successful in my auction draft. I can get closer to predicting what each player will do in my auction. Is it 100 percent accurate? Not at all You cannot guess in which order the players will be nominated. A player you could not overestimate could be a player to bid. This can increase its value.

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Preparing for your auction is the most important step to succeed. In a league it is very easy to practice that you are from year to year, as you learn how high your league will be on some players. In an online league where you are with random players, it is difficult to accurately predict player pricing, but most people will tend to stay close to what you find in the draft guide. Some sites, such as NFBC, will track average auction prices, and these can serve as a guide for their auction.

The first step is to rank your players by position. When you have 276 players who will be bidding on you, you should tell what you are willing to do for them. Put your starting price down for each player, then add them all. How close are you to $ 3,120? Keep adjusting it until it is $ 3,120. When you are done, you will conduct your auction with a tool that will be easy for you. You will immediately know if a player is negotiating or if he is overspeed and you should withdraw from the bid.

This move is particularly important in the Keeper League. No site can know who is placed in your league and for how much. When choosing keepers, most players will be acquired at bargain prices. This will change the prices of players who are up for auction. For example, if 36 players are placed at an average discount of $ 10, then it is $ 360 that should be added to the remaining 240 players. No matter what their “value” is, their “price” has just increased and you have to figure out how to divide that amount among the remaining players.

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There is another way to prepare a budget. When I develop my values, I usually budget 65 percent for hitting and 35 percent for pitching, so it’s $ 170 for hitting and $ 90 for pitching. Some go further and break down how they will spread that amount between 14 hulls and nine pitches. It is up to you how you want to spend your money. Some go to the top and receive several top-tier people and a bunch of $ 1-5 players; Some prefer to acquire multiple players in the $ 10-20 range for a more balanced team. The beauty of an auction is that you can have both Mike Trout and Jacob Degrom on your team. This will never happen in the snake draft.

Basic structures

There are many ways to skin this cat and no one is wrong, but the one thing you should never do is skip your auction! This is a cardinal rule, and if you had money left over you were not aggressive enough on some of your bids.

You should nominate players that you really want or are not interested in. With the latter, the goal is to have as little competition as possible, so that you can compete less on the players you really want. The important thing here is that what you do in the auction is different. Do not tell your opponents that he is the player you want or not. This is difficult to do at the end of the auction, because you don’t want to be stuck with a player you don’t want, even just for a dollar bid.

You should also vary how much your starting bid is. If you nominate Mookie Betts and you want her, then start the bid you are willing to spend. This will eliminate many people who are not interested. If you don’t want that, start relatively low (and not have an annoying one that starts a $ 40 player in a dollar) and allow many people to jump.

You also need a plan for this When To spend your money. Some like to load their team early; Others like to spend their competition in the hope of bargaining later. Waiting for bargains as a strategy has its disadvantages. Many times it happens that there will be many after the last good reliever or starter and this will increase the price. Goodbye Deal!

While there are always players I am targeting, it is rare that I will end up with them as much as I want in an auction. I like to bounce on “bargains” early in the draft. One year I was targeting someone in the $ 40 range and Freddy Freeman was nominated. I priced her at about $ 38. I was not really interested in Freeman, as I was hoping to get a first baseman like Jose Abreu in the $ 20 range, but I was bidding because it started at around $ 20. When I heard nothing after the $ 31 bid, I was very happy. Getting Freeman at $ 31 allowed me to spend more than what I had planned on someone else. Doing this early in the draft gives an advantage later.

This does not mean that you should not go to someone with a price of $ 42. A dollar or two is going to be in range for each player. It is important to know how the draft is going and whether you are constantly in black or red. What do I mean by that? You have carefully set the price for each player. After each player is drafted to write “+2” if it is $ 2 more or “-2” less than your price. As the draft progresses, adding these pluses and minuses will give you an idea of ​​how much money there is compared to what you have estimated. As the numbers become more positive, it is expected that relative bargains will come later. As the numbers become more negative, prices will increase, because there is more money than you expected.

Another thing to keep in mind is how much money each team has left to use and what positions they need to fill. If you have auctioned before, you know that it will play a role in your nomination and bid. Make sure you update each team after each pick. If you conduct an online auction, your site does it for you.

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1. Auction day is a top five day of the year!

2. Prepare by setting your pricing, especially in the Keeper League.

3. Different from your bid and nomination. It is not good to allow your opponents to read you.

4. Not tied to certain players. I know you really wanted Walker Buhler, but when you can get Jack Fleherty four dollars cheaper than you expect; To bounce

5. Keep an eye on how much / how much is being spent on your prices. All $ 3,120 will be spent (or total teams multiplied by your initial budget).

6. When dollar players are normal at the end of the auction, do not nominate players you do not want.

7. Try not to get into bidding for that last stolen base man or close. The price will always be more than you want.

8. Never, ever, Leave an auction with money.

9. Never, ever, Leave an auction with money. (No, it’s not a typo, it’s important).

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