Home ยป ‘Ensure uninterrupted power supply’ – The Hindu

‘Ensure uninterrupted power supply’ – The Hindu

Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy reviewed the performance of the Energy Department on Tuesday. Free power supply, subsidy to aquaculture farmers, 200 units of electricity to SC / ST beneficiaries, and other issues were discussed.

Shri Jagan Mohan Reddy asked the officials to expedite the construction of thermal units at Krishnapatnam and Vijayawada and said that any delay in completion of the projects would destabilize them. The Chief Minister also directed the officials to ensure that there is no disruption in power supply in the coming three to four months due to the heat and asked the officials to ensure that the 15 units operating under APGenco run uninterruptedly. . Chief Secretary Adityanath Das, Principal Secretary, Department of Energy, G. Sai Prasad and Secretary of the Department of Energy, Ann. Srikanth was present.

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