Home » Election Commission of India says to have faith in the honesty of Deputy Election Commissioner in charge of Bengal elections

Election Commission of India says to have faith in the honesty of Deputy Election Commissioner in charge of Bengal elections

The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Friday expressed absolute confidence in the honesty and impartiality of the Deputy Election Commissioner (DEC), Sudip Jain, who is in charge of the West Bengal assembly elections at his headquarters, in view of a media report by the TMC MP The complaint sought to be removed.

The MP sent the letter to the Chief Electoral Officer of West Bengal, a copy of which was sent to the ECI.

In a statement, the ECI said that all its DECs and other officers stationed at its headquarters and people working in the field are strictly discharging their duties as per the “Constitution of India and various existing rules regarding the conduct of elections” Were.

“There may be a strange exception here or there, in which case the Election Commission takes corrective action immediately. In the instant case, the Commission has full faith in the honesty and impartiality of Sudeep Jain of DEC. Unfortunately, this is not the first time that a concrete campaign is launched against senior officials of the Commission during / during the election process, ”it said.

The ECI said media reports referred to allegations made by TMC about two decisions taken by Mr. Jain during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections when he was in charge of the West Bengal elections at the Commission’s headquarters.

“It has been clarified that both these decisions were taken by the Commission in the interest of conducting free and peaceful elections and were implemented by the District Election Machinery under the supervision of DEC, Chief Electoral Officer, Police Nodal Officer and other concerned senior officials,” ECI .

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