Dehradun-bound Shatabdi fire broke out in the bogie, no casualties were reported.

Dehradun-bound Shatabdi fire broke out in the bogie, no casualties were reported.

Police said a bogie of the Dehradun-bound Shatabdi Express caught fire on Saturday but no casualties were reported.

The train’s bogey caught fire near Kasro railway station when it was coming from Delhi, Uttarakhand police chief Ashok Kumar said, however, no one was killed or injured in the incident.

Kumar said all the passengers were evacuated from the affected coach, which was separated from the train, DGP Kumar said.

Railway officials in New Delhi said that a short circuit caused a fire in coach C5 of the train.

Railway officials said, “The guard has informed that all the passengers are safe and the fire brigade has been informed. A total of 35 passengers were transferred to the coach and were accommodated in other coaches. The train left for the destination happened.”

Uttarakhand DGP Kumar said that the train has reached Dehradun.

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