Customs officials seized 2.41 kg gold worth 1.10 crore kg from female passenger at Mangaluru airport

Customs officials seized 2.41 kg gold worth 1.10 crore kg from female passenger at Mangaluru airport

The woman was stopped after arriving on an Air India flight from Dubai.

Recently one of the biggest seizures of gold smuggling in Mangaluru, Customs officials on Thursday seized 2.41 kg of gold worth 1.10 crore from a female passenger at Mangaluru International Airport.

In a release from customs, the accused’s name is Mohammad Ali Sameera from Kasargod in Kerala. He was stopped after arriving on an Air India flight from Dubai.

The accused tried to smuggle gold in sanitary pads and socks by hiding them in both of their inner clothes. Foreign origin cigarettes violating COPTA rules were also seized from his possession.

According to the release, the gold seizure team was led by Kapil Gade, Deputy Commissioner, Air Customs, Mangaluru, and Preeti Suma, Superintendent.

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