Home ยป Coronavirus | The government sends health teams to Maharashtra, Punjab in daily affairs

Coronavirus | The government sends health teams to Maharashtra, Punjab in daily affairs

Teams are being deployed to assist state health departments in coronovirus monitoring, control and control measures.

The Center has run high-level multi-disciplinary public health teams in Maharashtra and Punjab in view of the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases occurring daily by these states.

The Union Health Ministry said that teams are being deployed to assist state health departments in coronovirus surveillance, control and control measures.

The Maharashtra high-level team will be led by P Ravindran, Senior CMO, Disaster Management Cell, MoHFW. The public health team in Punjab will be headed by SK Singh, director of the Center for Disease Control (NCDC), New Delhi.

The ministry said that the team will visit hotspot areas in the states (COVID-19) and find out the reasons for the increase in cases.

According to the ministry data, there are 6,661 active coronavirus cases in Punjab and 90,055 cases in Maharashtra.

He will also inform the Chief Secretary / Secretary (Health) on his observations and remedial measures to be taken by the concerned State Health Officers.

The ministry said that the central government is leading the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic with the ‘Government of the Hole’ and ‘Hole of Society’ approach under the umbrella strategy of ‘cooperative federalism’.

As part of the ongoing efforts to strengthen the initiatives of various State and Union Territory (UT) Governments for COVID management, the Government continued to form central teams to visit various States / Union Territories from time to time. is.

These teams interact with the officials of the state and union territories and gain first-hand understanding of the challenges and issues being faced by them to strengthen their ongoing activities and remove bottlenecks, if any. It added that the report of the central teams has been shared with the states for further action.

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