Coronavirus | No lockout for Pune, but fresh ban

Coronavirus |  No lockout for Pune, but fresh ban

The district currently has more than 17,000 active cases, while the total death toll is more than 9,350.

Making it clear that no lockout has been done in Pune district, the administration on Friday said that all schools and colleges will remain closed till March 31.

The Pune district has been making the highest single-day jump in Maharashtra for the past few days, reflecting a daily average spike of over 2,000 cases.

After a review meeting between District Guardian Minister Ajit Pawar and senior district officials in which Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Girish Bapat was also present, Mr Pawar directed the administration to reduce the operating hours for hotels and restaurants as well. .

“According to the new set of restrictions, schools and colleges will remain closed until March 31, while hotels and restaurants will allow up to 10% of their total capacity to function until 10 pm. Food allowed away from meals for one hour Will leave by 11 pm, “informed Saurabh Rao, Commissioner of Pune Division.

He further said that it was mandatory for hotels to put up a board giving details about staying in the premises at any time.

Mr. Rao further stated that the malls and cinema halls were to be closed after 10 pm, while citizens would not be allowed to roam the streets between 11 am and 6 am, during which only essential services were allowed.

Noting that the MPSC examination is imminent, Mr. Rao said that the MPSC coaching centers and libraries would be allowed to remain open with 50% occupancy.

The Divisional Commissioner stated that the rules for the number of people involved in marriage functions (not more than 50 persons) were the same, while public transport services had to operate with 50% occupancy.

“Doctors and health workers are of the opinion that vaccination for Pune should be given top priority in view of the increasing cases. He has said that if we have to reduce the impact of the second wave, then vaccination is the best option. From January 16 to date, the number of vaccination centers in the district has increased seven-fold from 33 to 208, with frontline workers largely in the first phase. The 19 care facility sits on the campus of the College of Engineering Pune (CoEP).

The district currently has more than 17,000 active cases, while the total death toll is more than 9,350.

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