Home ยป Coronavirus | 10 new cases of COVID-19 seen in Vellore

Coronavirus | 10 new cases of COVID-19 seen in Vellore

The total number of COVID-19 cases in Vellore district reached 21,048 with 10 new cases reported on 6 March.

While a total of 20,624 have been discharged, the active cases in the district stand at 73. The death toll in the district is 351. Two fresh cases were reported at Ranipet and a total of 16,252. In Tirupathur, a new case was registered on Saturday and stood at a total of 7,643.

In Thiruvannamalai too, a new case was reported, totaling 19,514. Out of this 19,212 have been discharged and the number of active cases is now 18.

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