The Delhi Congress on Friday said that it is no surprise that Delhi has been ranked 35 out of 49 cities surveyed across the country in the “Ease of Living Index 2020” on the parameters of quality of life.
The survey said that the quality of life set by the BJP-ruled central government has been alleged to have exposed the lies of the BJP-ruled civic bodies and the AAP government, which claimed to have undergone development.
“Delhi has fallen in almost all the parameters like education, health, housing, waste management, planning, pollution, safety and security, as the assessment tool has evaluated the quality of life and the impact of various initiatives for urban development,” Delhi Congress said while commenting on the Ease of Living Index released by the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry.
Congress leader in the South Delhi Municipal Corporation, Abhishek Dutt said the survey blamed the Delhi government, boasting about its so-called “model” of health, education and governance.
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