Home » Canara Bank says the proposed strike may affect banking services later this month

Canara Bank says the proposed strike may affect banking services later this month

A host of bank unions have called for a strike on 15–16 March.

Public sector lender Canara Bank on Thursday said that banking services could be affected later this month due to the proposed strike by several bank unions.

“We have been informed by the Indian Banks Association (IBA) that the United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU) has called for a strike in the banking industry on 15 March and 16 March. Any bank level issues,” Canara Bank has a Said in regulatory filings.

Canara Bank said that it is taking necessary steps for the smooth functioning of bank branches and offices on the day of the proposed strike.

“However, in the event of materialization of the strike, the functioning of branches / offices may be affected,” the lender said.

A host of bank unions have called for a strike on 15–16 March.

AIBEA, AIBOC, NCBE, AIBOA, BEFI, INBEF, IBOC, NOBW, NOBO and AINBOF are bank unions that have called for a strike against the proposed privatization of two state-owned lenders by the government.

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