BJP candidate attacked TRS cadre

BJP candidate attacked TRS cadre

Yes. Premendra Reddy, a BJP candidate contesting the Telangana State Legislative Council from Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Graduation constituency, suffered suffocation in the alleged attack by TRS workers in Mahabarabad district on Sunday afternoon.

Sources said that the accident took place during the voting in Parvathammagudem village. Mr. Reddy complained of shortness of breath soon after the incident and was admitted to the District Headquarters Hospital at Khammam. His condition is stated to be stable.

In a statement, BJP Khammam district president Galla Satyanarayana alleged that Mr. Reddy was attacked with bricks near a booth by “TRS goons” when he visited the village on specific information to influence voters The TRS cadres were distributing cash for. “The attack reflects the frustration of TRS leaders over the imminent victory of the BJP candidate,” he said.

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