A student in IIM Ahmedabad, Yashaswi Sharma, shared his grievance against the e-commerce company Flipkart which delivered Ghadi detergent bars instead of a laptop he ordered for his father. The man also claimed on LinkedIn that the company’s customer support has denied supporting him. In the now-viral post, the student explained how his father didn’t get the concept of ‘open-box’ delivery and gave the OTP without inspecting the parcel. Furthermore, as per some news reports, Flipkart initiated the refund process, which is however not mentioned in the person’s LinkedIn post, and we do not independently verify this information. Video: Man Orders Drone Camera From Meesho, Receives 1 Kg Potato in Bihar’s Nalanda.
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Years ago I used to hear of snapdeal delivering stones in place of iPhone. Today @Flipkart delivered laundry soap in place of a laptop.
Flipkart assured order. From one of their biggest sellers, RetailNet.
Can never trust this website again. @flipkartsupport pic.twitter.com/VmVXG1tU3S
— Yashaswi Sharma (@yshswi) September 22, 2022
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