If you’ve treated yourself to a shiny new Android phone in the past few years you may well have noticed a rather annoying design quirk. Almost all devices from firms such as Samsung, Google, Xiaomi and OnePlus now feature a fully edge-to-edge screen that fills the whole front of the phone. It’s clearly a great upgrade as, without the chunky bezels found on older phones, you get more screen in a product that isn’t physically bigger in your pocket.
Sadly, switching to these all-screen designs has caused one big issue as there’s no obvious place to position the front-facing selfie camera. Since the introduction of bezel-free smartphones, we’ve seen manufacturers trying numerous ideas including notches, pop-up mechanisms and designs which punch through the screen.
Samsung even launched a bunch of unique desktop patterns which attempted to disguise the camera and make it look much less obvious.
Although front cameras have got smaller they remain pretty annoying especially when trying to watch an evening of Netflix on the screen as they often stand out like a giant spot on your face.
Luckily, it now seems one firm is almost ready to launch a device that will finally fix this irritating problem.
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OPPO has been trying to come up with the ultimate solution since 2018 and it now appears that the Chinese firm has cracked it.
Its new under-screen camera (USC) technology has just been announced and could allow phone firms to tuck the snapper neatly behind the display meaning users won’t get distracted by it.
OPPO says that by combining the best in hardware innovation and its AI advancements, the tech places the front-facing snapper under the smartphone display while retaining the fluidity of the screen.
Along with the screen not being affected the company says that images will look just as good as those taken on a standard selfie camera. We’ll have to wait and see if that really is true but it certainly sounds impressive and will allow the screen to become completely camera free.
Speaking about the update, the firm said: “OPPO’s next-generation USC implements a series of imaging AI algorithms developed by OPPO’s Research Institutes, including diffraction reduction, HDR and AWB, helping to alleviate issues such as blur and image glare. By training its AI diffraction reduction model using tens of thousands of images to control problems caused by light diffraction, users can capture clearer, more natural images.
“As consumer demand for larger screen-to-body ratios and novel smartphone form factors grows, OPPO has invested heavily into R&D in these areas.”
It’s unclear when the first Android phone with a hidden selfie camera will be released but hopefully, there’s not too long to wait.
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