Remember director Singeetam Srinivasa Rao’s Pushpaka Vimana (1987) starring Kamal Haasan and Amala? The silent film won the National Award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment. More than three decades later, a new Telugu film with an almost similar name is under production. A dark comedy titled Pushpaka Vimanam will be directed by first-timer Damodar and star Anand Deverakonda, Saanve Megghana and Geeta Saayini. The film is jointly produced by Vijay Deverakonda’s home production King of the Hill and Tanga Productions.
Anand, who made his debut in Dorasani, became a household name with the comedy Middle Class Melodies (2020). In Pushpaka Vimanam, the actor portrays a government school teacher.
In a statement, the director discloses that the story is a fiction inspired by a news story he chanced upon. Pushpaka Vimanam explores the happenings in middle-class families. Sunil, Kireeti and V K Naresh are also part of the cast.
The film’s cinematography is by Hestin Jose Joseph and music by Ram Miriyala, Sidharth Sadasivuni and Amit Dasani.
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