New Delhi: In a recent update, Telegram messenger on Saturday introduced Voice Chats 2.0 with rich features for conducting live voice chat sessions in Channels for unlimited participants. This feature had earlier existed only for Telegram Groups that was launched in December 2020. Telegram Rolls Out Voice Chat Feature With New Update.
“This update also brings recordable voice chats, rich lists of participants, raise hand mechanics, invite links for speakers and listeners, voice chat titles. In addition to this public figures will now be able to join voice chats as their channels, and not necessarily with their personal accounts maintaining their privacy,” the company said in a statement.
Introducing Voice Chats 2.0 – now available in Channels, with no limit on the number of participants, an option to Record Chats, create invite links for Speakers and Listeners, and more:
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) March 19, 2021
Admins of channels and public groups can now host voice chats for millions of live listeners. To start a voice chat, open the profile of any group or channel where you’re an admin, tap (?) or (?) and select start voice chat. Admins can record the live voice chat sessions, and the audio file will be automatically saved in their ‘Saved Messages’ window right after the session.
In a live chat session where the participants are muted, listeners can give alert the admins if they want to speak by raising their hand. For admins to easily recognise a particular participant’s credentials, their bio is now visible to them where the subject expertise could be mentioned.
Admins of public groups and channels can now create invite links that open the voice chat right away on clicking. In addition to this, separate links can be made for speakers and listeners. In addition, celebrities can join a voice chat with the name of their dedicated public Channel on Telegram instead of their personal accounts. Users can now also cancel forwarding a message, or replace the recipient before it gets sent.
(The above story first appeared on Morning Tidings on Mar 22, 2021 08:26 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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