The Delhi Congress on Wednesday staged a sit-in at Jantar Mantar in protest against the National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2021 introduced by the BJP government in the Lok Sabha. Congress leaders said that this bill was an attack on democracy as it takes away the rights of the democratically elected government and the wishes of the people and hands it over to the person appointed by the central government.
Delhi Congress chief Chau. Anil Kumar said that the “dictatorship” of the Narendra Modi government which has been seen across the country, can now be seen in Delhi with an effort to reduce the powers of the elected government through the bill. The party called for immediate withdrawal of the bill.
“The elected MLAs of Delhi have no power to decide on behalf of the people, who have voted for them through the democratic process. All the power will be with a person who is appointed by the Center, who has no clue as to what the people of Delhi want. It is a dangerous bill because it will play with democracy.
The Delhi Congress also raised the question as to why the Delhi government remained silent for 45 days as the Union Cabinet approved the presentation of the Bill in the Lok Sabha on 3 February.
Question silence
“Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is known to sit on dharna on every issue, did not bother to raise the issue despite reducing the strength of his chair. On the one hand, he promised full statehood for Delhi before the elections and on the other hand when the CM’s powers were waning, he kept quiet, ”said Mr. Kumar.
Mr. Kumar alleged that the AAP was a “B team” on the BJP and therefore supported the decision of the central government to snatch away the powers of Jammu and Kashmir, and gave the state the status of Union Territories and only “token” a bill. In protest.
Delhi Congress vice-president Abhishek Dutt said that when the party sought permission to stage a protest at Jantar Mantar, he was not asked to bring more than 1,000 people or build a platform, but it was very clear that the police had given the “permission” of the AAP “Tokens” protesting by rolling a red carpet and allowing them to create a stage for their event.
“In Puducherry, the Congress government started a fight against the BJP and finally, Kiran Bedi, the then Lieutenant Governor was brought back to Delhi. Mr. Kejriwal has no such power in Delhi. They should sit on the dharna until the Bill is repealed instead of protesting.
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