New Delhi: Domestic smartphone brand Lava on Thursday launched a new affordable smartphone, Blaze, that comes with a glass back design. Priced at Rs 8,699, the smartphone, which also boasts a triple rear camera setup, will be available on online and offline channels through a sale on July 14. Lava Probuds TWS Earbuds Launched in India; Check Prices, Features & Other Details.
“With Blaze, we are trying to meet those expectations. It comes with the latest glass back design, Android 12, and a 13MP triple camera that makes it an all-rounder. This best-in-segment smartphone is dedicated to every Indian smartphone user that dreams of seeing their country as the next tech superpower,” Tejinder Singh, Product Head, Lava International Limited, said in a statement.
Lava Blaze (Photo Credits: Lava Mobile)
Introducing Blaze by Lava #HaqSeChamak
✔ Premium glass back design
✔ 64GB ROM and 3+3*GB RAM
✔ 13MP Triple AI Rear Camera
Pre-booking is LIVE on Blaze. First 500 successful registrations get a chance to win FREE** Probuds.
Prebook now:
— Lava Mobiles (@LavaMobile) July 7, 2022
“We envision a future that is smart and connected, driven by technology democratisation, and the Lava Blaze, powered by MediaTek, reiterates our focus on bringing great value to the consumer. The new Lava smartphone will help bridge the digital divide while furthering the government’s Make in India vision,” said Anku Jain, Managing Director, MediaTek India. “We congratulate Lava on the new release and look forward to a long and fruitful association in the years ahead.”
The smartphone offers a 6.5-inch HD display and sports a 13MP triple rear camera with an 8MP front camera. It is powered by MediaTek Helio A22 Chipset and coupled with 3GB RAM and 64GB internal storage. It houses a 5000mAh battery along with a 10W type-C fast charger.
(The above story first appeared on Morning Tidings on Jul 07, 2022 04:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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