NEW DELHI: WhatsApp recently rolled out its much-awaited data transfer feature which will allow users to transfer their data from Android to iOS and vice versa. Now it appears that the popular messaging app is working on another feature that will enable users to view status updates of their contacts via their profile pictures. WABetaInfo, the Twitter account which keeps track of changes in the WhatsApp build has reported about this upcoming feature.
According to WABetaInfo, this new feature is under development and was spotted in the code of the latest Android beta version of the app. Presently, there is a separate tab in the app, where you can view status updates of your contacts. But, with the development of this new feature, WhatsApp users will now be able to tap on the profile picture of their contact to view their status.
When a user taps on the profile picture, WhatsApp will give them an option box asking if they want to view the status update or the profile picture. The user can then choose the status update option to view the status of that particular contact.
Presently, it is not clear when the company will roll out this new feature to the users.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp banned two million Indian accounts while it received 345 grievance reports between May 15 and June 15, the company said in its maiden monthly compliance report as mandated by the IT rules. WhatsApp clarified that more than 95% of such bands are due to the unauthorised use of automated bulk messaging (spam).
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