Collector K. Senthil Raj on Wednesday sub-inspector V of Era police station of Tamil Nadu government. Sent 50 lakh ex-gratia to Baloo’s family, who was allegedly murdered by a two-wheeler mechanic on mid-January 31. A cargo autorickshaw.
When R. Murugel of Vajavalan, under the influence of alcohol, was making a ruckus at the Aral Bazaar on the evening of 31 January with a cargo autorickshaw, Ballu and other policemen, who were patrolling there, asked him to go home. As the drunken policemen were also abused, the police team took him to the police station along with the vehicle. After seizing the cargo autorickshaw, Ballu asks him to come to the police station the next morning to get the cargo autorickshaw back.
Encouraged by this, Murugavel, returning home, took another cargo autorickshaw and unloaded Baloo and Constable Pon Subbaiah while they were patrolling their two-wheelers. While Balu died on the spot, Mr. Pon Subbaiah suffered serious injuries.
Of Chief Minister Edappadi. Palaniswami announced adi 50 lakh to Balu’s family and adi 2 lakh to Mr. Pon Subbaiah, Drs. Senthil Raj, Superintendent of Police S. Relieved families in Jayakumar’s presence. on Wednesday.
In a separate ceremony, Mr. Jayakumar provided insurance benefits to the family of a murdered policeman. Grade I constable Poongalingam, who was associated with Thoothukudi Central Police Station, was assassinated on June 10, 2020. Since he was receiving his salary through Axis Bank, the bank insured him. Was Insurance Benefit of Rs. 30 Lakh, in the presence of Axis Bank officials, by Mr. Jayakumar, wife of the deceased police officer. Given to Qasimal.
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